Apologies galore, and a recipe round-up to make up for lost time.
Blondies, Brownies, and Bars
Butterscotch Brownies

These brownies were a great lesson. I now know that if we find ourselves with unexpected company, I can whip together an amazing dessert without a trip to the grocery store or an abundance of time. And this hypothetical company is in luck, because these brownies are absolutely delicious. They’re sweet, fudgy in texture, and bursting with butterscotch flavor, real butterscotch, because it comes from butter and brown sugar instead of a Hershey’s bag.
Peanut Butter Banana Oatmeal Bars (fail)

I’m a little sad about these. There are so many other delicious things I could have done with those three overripe bananas. Instead I made these lame oatmeal squares. They were perfect, too, in an ideal state for baking. They mashed up beautifully. In a separate bowl, I put together the oats, brown sugar, baking […]
Pumpkin Spice Rice Krispie Treats

Recipes like this are reason number twenty million for why I love the internet. I told Jana to pick a birthday treat, and she went to my Pinterest board and picked Pumpkin Spice Rice Krispie Treats. So I read the comments under the recipe, and a lot of people were complaining that the squares fell apart because of the moisture created by the pumpkin. And then one person posted that she came up with a solution to get the moisture out of the pumpkin. I followed her link. I followed her advice. I will now follow her blog. And maybe follow her around.
Cinnamon Chip Pumpkin Blondies

(for Antonia’s birthday) It’s Antonia’s birthday, and she’d like something with pumpkin. Since I experiment on her constantly with my baking, she deserves something customized for her birthday. These blondies also included a honey and caramel drizzle baked into them, which sounded pretty delicious to me. Guess what? They ARE delicious. They’re birthday delicious. They’re […]
Coconut Baked Oatmeal

I wanted to make something relatively healthy, but I’m really tired too, so it was time to try Coconut Baked Oatmeal. I pinned the recipe after we devoured the Peanut Butter Baked Oatmeal from the same site (Lynn’s Kitchen Adventures), and it’s an easy recipe for the exhausted. You just put it all in a […]
Peanut Butter Baked Oatmeal

After I threw the corn muffins away, I had to make something else, and it was almost lunch time, and the kids requested that the primary flavor be peanut butter. I couldn’t argue with that idea, as I love peanut butter with a fierce, obsessive love. We’d had baked oatmeal at Mussers’ Bed & Breakfast […]
Bossk Brownies from the Star Wars Cookbook

jump to recipe Nathaniel, unsurprisingly, is a Star Wars fan. And Nathaniel owns a very entertaining book called The Star Wars Cookbook. No, really, he does. We’ve made Wookie Cookies before, but this time Nathaniel really wanted the Bossk Brownies. I’ve had some bad experiences with brownies, but I decided to give it a go. […]
Pumpkin Peanut Butter Blondies

Juliet likes peanut butter again! She wanted me to bake something with peanut butter, but I wasn’t in a cookie-making mood, what with all the pans going in and out every ten minutes and the fact that I’d just finished doing all the dinner dishes. Tomorrow I’ll make cookies, but today I wanted something that […]
Pumpkin Cinnamon Chip Brownies

Like all the reviews said, they don’t taste quite like brownies, but it’s hard to stop eating them once you start. They were really easy to make, despite a few screw-ups along the way. And even though I made what might be my best batch of banana yogurt muffins ever yesterday, I still needed some […]
Peanut Butter Rice Krispie Squares

Peanut Butter Rice Krispie Squares Juliet has been asking for these, and they really don’t take very long, and it had been well over twelve hours since I made anything. It was time to make it so. This time I tried doing some photos along the way, not that anybody actually needs detailed instructions on […]