Crispy, tangy, sweet, addictive: these Blood Orange Crinkle Cookies are not to be missed. (But we miss them already, because we ate them.)
Chewy Brown Sugar Cookies

Here’s what needs to be said about these Chewy Brown Sugar Cookies: if you make these, and give them to people, don’t expect the people to leave unless you send the cookies with them. These cookies are delicious, and addictive, and of course they are, because they are full of brown sugar and butter and will haunt your dreams. They’re soft, chewy, sweet, and utterly delightful. These are fantasy cookies.
Molasses-Orange Cookies with Espresso Glaze

I invented a cookie!
Grandma’s Molasses was having a recipe contest, and since I’ve never created my very own cookie recipe before, I seized the moment, thought about flavors, and then inspired by my previous experiment with Orange Mocha Muffins, I created these Molasses-Orange Cookies with Espresso Glaze. Why not?
Chocolate Coconut Espresso Cookies (with Cappuccino Chips)

These weren’t JUST particularly spectacular cookies.
Yes, being Chocolate Coconut Espresso Cookies, they were destined to be delicious, and when I swapped out the chocolate chips for cappuccino chips they went all the way to sublime. But these were special cookies — not in an afterschool special kind of way — because I made them for The Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap
Thin and Crispy Oatmeal Cookies

Sometimes, the kids need cookies.
They are often interested in the muffins or the quick breads, Nathaniel more so than Juliet, and they expect the steady flow of them to keep coming. But then there are just those aha! moments when I realize that they DESERVE cookies. At this point it gets challenging because Juliet doesn’t like chocolate chips, at least not in anything homemade, and if I make peanut butter cookies, which she does love, I will probably eat them all before anybody else is smart enough to hide them. And thus, these Thin and Crispy Oatmeal Cookies stepped in to fulfill the need, more perfectly than I’d hoped.
I made them big, because big cookies are fun, and I only made them a wee bit healthier than the original recipe, just because I can’t help myself.
Maple Snickerdoodles

While everyone else has already jumped aboard the pumpkin train, I decided to pay homage to my Canadian roots and make maple snickerdoodles. (For William Shatner! And Dan Aykroyd! None for you, Celine Dion.)
I combed the web looking for recipes, and finally settled on this version, because it made MORE maple snickerdoodles, which seemed more enticing than fewer snickerdoodles. (And I’ve just learned that typing the word snickerdoodle is even more cumbersome than saying it.)
In addition to your regular anycookie sort of ingredients, I assembled some specialty items:
Peanut Butter Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies

I had no idea you could make cookies without flour that aren’t disgusting. Seriously! I see these recipes all the time and they make me suspicious. And I don’t have any health issues with flour or reasons to avoid it; I am more than pro-gluten, I am a gluten advocate. EAT MORE GLUTEN.
But this recipe looked really good, despite the absence of flour, and I don’t like to give up on big ideas until I’ve given them a good go. And I don’t think these cookies are gluten-free anyway, since apparently there can be gluten in oats. Gluten schmuten, these cookies are deliciously satisfying, full of rich peanut butter flavor, and crumbly in a rather delightful way. The mini chocolate chips don’t hurt the cause either. And yet they’re still pretty good for you, or at least not terribly bad for you. That’s what makes them breakfast cookies.
Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies for Juliet’s birthday

It was Juliet’s 6th birthday last week so I sat her down with my iPad and we went through one of my Pinterest boards so she could pick out something special. She knows what she likes, that’s for sure, and once she saw heart-shaped peanut butter sandwich cookies, the searching stopped. I kept thinking she’d want a cake of some kind, but Juliet didn’t care about that. Like me, she loves her peanut butter.
Soft & Thick Snickerdoodle Cookies

jump to recipe When you need to whip together some crowd pleasing cookies, this is a perfect go-to recipe. They’re sweet, cinnamon-y, puffy and soft, satisfyingly filling, and don’t have any objectionable ingredients. I have yet to meet someone who doesn’t like snickerdoodle cookies. Of course I’m not a purist about such things, so when […]
Malted Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter Chip Cookies

I’ve made these before — they’re Dave’s favorites. But I made them again, with some small alterations, because the kids have both just had ear infections and they felt these would help. And why not? The tricky part, though, is that Juliet doesn’t really like chocolate chips. She likes chocolate kisses, or chocolate that comes […]
Salted Espresso Oatmeal Cookies

I’ve made these before, but this time I added a twist. I made them at Christmas, and instead of using regular chocolate chips I used Christmas-colored red & green chips, but this time I really took these to another level flavor-wise by substituting half of the chocolate chips for cappuccino chips, freshly arrived from the […]
Meyer Lemon Sugar Cookies

I know, there’s been a lot of citrus lately. I feel desperate to play with Meyer lemons and blood oranges while they’re still around, plus it helps remind me that spring is coming, despite the really weird snowfall we had yesterday. Full confession: before I made these, I tried to make some kind of low […]
Peanut Butter Krispie Cookies

Man, these are good. They’re peanut butter cookies with a Rice Krispie crunch, how could they not be good? Plus they started with classic cookie ingredients, butter and two kinds of sugar. The recipe called for brown and white, but I replaced the white with cane sugar. Once those were creamed together, I added the […]
Pumpkin Gingersnap Cookies

Tonight I let Juliet make the final decision about which cookies to make, since she didn’t like Nathaniel’s gargantuan chocolate birthday cake, or the pumpkin cheesecake on Thanksgiving. I showed her five different cookie photos and she chose these. Good call, Juliet! I started with butter and sugar, substituting a less refined cane sugar for […]
Speculoos Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies

jump to recipe They were supposed to be Biscoff Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies, but the grocery stores around here are all out of Biscoff, and who doesn’t want an excuse to use the word Speculoos? Mom’s the one who got me interested in Biscoff spread, and she’s also an amazing baker, so I’ve decided these cookies […]
Coconut Oatmeal Cookies With Mini Chocolate Chips

(for Dad’s birthday) jump to recipe So my Dad’s birthday is on Monday, and I can’t be there to celebrate with him, so I’m sending coconut. My Dad loves coconut. I wanted to make him something fun with fluffy coconut frosting, but (a) I couldn’t give Mark & Linus something delicate to carry along with […]
Whole Grain Thin And Crispy Oatmeal Cookies

(some with cinnamon chips) Another great Pinterest find. I tried really hard not to bake for Robin & James, because they don’t want to be loaded up with baked goods, but I couldn’t help myself. Despite the fun of annoying Robin with the word “muffins” as much as possible, I opted for cookies, since I’d […]
Crisp Peanut Butter Cookies

How come it never occurred to me to use the meat tenderizer on peanut butter cookies before? The fork-created cross-hatch is a peanut butter cookie staple, but the meat tenderizing mallet is fun and has the whole pattern built in. I admit it was the lovely photo on the recipe that made me decide to […]
Snickerdoodle Cookies

( requested (and assisted) by Juliet) Juliet doesn’t eat chocolate chip cookies. I don’t understand it at all, but that’s how it is. And now no peanut butter cookies. She was sure she wanted some kind of cookies with butterscotch chips, but then she didn’t, and then she wanted lemon poppyseed sugar cookies, but suddenly […]
Chocolate Chip Cookies

(requested by Nathaniel) Sometimes an 8-year-old boy just wants a straightforward treat. “Chocolate chip cookies,” he said. “Big ones, though…not like the little ones you usually make.” It’s true, I am guilty of making my cookies small, because then they contain fewer Weight Watchers points. Of course that strategy only works if you don’t eat […]
Lemon Poppy Seed Sugar Cookies

I’ve never heard of Lemon Poppy Seed cookies before, until I found them on a blog through Pinterest, and I couldn’t possibly be happier with the results. It’s a light, tasty, Spring-y cookie (as in the season, not the bounciness) and good for the soul. I needed some lightness. This recipe starts with the dry […]
Chai Shortbread Cookies

Dave very thoughtfully bought some cardamom over the weekend, and I think when somebody gives you an ingredient or a new cooking pan, you should make them something. Therefore: chai shortbread cookies. The ingredients list is pretty small: The only sugar in this dough is powdered. Weird, right? And other than that it’s just butter […]
Frosted Sugar Cookies With Nathaniel And Juliet

The kids loved when we made sugar cookies for Valentine’s Day, and have been begging me to do it again. It seemed like a good day for a time-consuming project; I needed some distraction but I wanted to spend time with them, and that fulfilled both needs with one buttery, sugary task. Why not. Since […]
Red Velvet Cookies. . .

. . .with White Chocolate Chips and Cream Cheese Blobs It’s supposed to be a cream cheese swirl, but I am esthetically challenged when it comes to baked goods. I can make things that taste wonderful, but none of them look all that terrific, and some look downright scary. My treats are designed for deeper […]