Man, these are good. They’re peanut butter cookies with a Rice Krispie crunch, how could they not be good? Plus they started with classic cookie ingredients, butter and two kinds of sugar. The recipe called for brown and white, but I replaced the white with cane sugar. Once those were creamed together, I added the […]
Pumpkin Spice Rice Krispie Treats

Recipes like this are reason number twenty million for why I love the internet. I told Jana to pick a birthday treat, and she went to my Pinterest board and picked Pumpkin Spice Rice Krispie Treats. So I read the comments under the recipe, and a lot of people were complaining that the squares fell apart because of the moisture created by the pumpkin. And then one person posted that she came up with a solution to get the moisture out of the pumpkin. I followed her link. I followed her advice. I will now follow her blog. And maybe follow her around.
Peanut Butter Rice Krispie Squares

Peanut Butter Rice Krispie Squares Juliet has been asking for these, and they really don’t take very long, and it had been well over twelve hours since I made anything. It was time to make it so. This time I tried doing some photos along the way, not that anybody actually needs detailed instructions on […]