I Miss My Yoga Teacher Muffins — Honey Sage Corn Muffins

Not only are these pretty tasty, they were made in honor of one of my yoga teachers, Nancy, who I have been missing terribly since they changed things up at the studio I go to and she doesn’t teach there anymore. I loved her class, and I miss her teaching as well as her company. When I emailed her to tell her so, she asked if I would make some healing muffins in her honor, with sage in them, which is a healing herb. I therefore present: I Miss My Yoga Teacher Muffins.

It began with melted butter, just a mere quarter cup.

melting butter

Then, I chopped the sage, using Dave’s superknife. Dave always gets nervous when I use his knife and offers to do the chopping for me, so I chopped on the sly. I retained all of my fingers, I swear.

sage with knife

chopped sage

I whisked the sage in with the flour, cornmeal, baking powder, and salt.

sage whisked with flour

In a separate bowl, I got the liquid ingredients together: low fat buttermilk, honey, and eggs.

egg and other goo

I whisked those together, then added the melted butter.

adding melted butter

When I whisked, everything got fun and frothy, like Nancy in the middle of some active vinyasa.

frothy mixture

And then I added that to the dry ingredients, and mixed just until incorporated, balanced like a Warrior 2 pose.

muffin batter

I distributed it as evenly as I could among twelve muffin cups.

muffin batter in tin

The directions said to bake for 18-20 minutes, but I checked at 15 and they were done.

muffins in tin, finished baking

I let them sit in the pan for a minute or two, then took them out to cool completely.

muffin on rack

These are lovely, just like Nancy the yoga teacher!

I love corn muffins, and the sage gives these an extra nuance because of the unique flavor. Next time I might add a little more, even. Sage has some pretty wonderful health properties, plus it’s been immortalized in song. (Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme, anyone?)

I DO miss my yoga teacher. I miss her a lot. I’m still enjoying the yoga that I do, but I miss my “active flow” class and I miss Nancy. So Nancy, these are in your honor! And whenever I make them, I will always call them I Miss My Yoga Teacher Muffins, because that’s what they are.

muffins in window


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